Students of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, at Technion in Israel have successfully completed the course Optimization Integrated Design held by Dr. Savely Khosid from Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.
ESTECO Academy proudly supported the educational initiative by Technion by providing modeFRONTIER software licenses, ESTECO's landmark platform for design optimization.

The course included a few homework exercises and a final project. Most of the projects were performed with modeFRONTIER as an optimization tool, while the analysis and modeling were performed mainly with ANSYS Workbench and MATLAB, connected to modeFRONTIER.
Some of the most interesting projects completed include:
- Optimization of an avionic cell cooling with a fan
- Scramjet Inlet Optimization
- Pressure Vessel Optimization
- Bypass Optimization for a Turbo-Fan
- Optimization of a Support for Vibration Test
- U-bend Heated Channel Optimization
- Dynamic Model of FSAE Racecar