The new VOLTA and modeFRONTIER 2025R1 release is now available. VOLTA redesigned Data Manager for a cleaner and more intuitive user experience, with new features that simplify data interaction. modeFRONTIER introduces a multi-fidelity modeling tool that integrates metamodels of varying complexity.
Release highlights
New multi-fidelity RSM tool in modeFRONTIER: bridge the gap between rapid computation and high accuracy
The multi-fidelity response surface models (RSM) tool allows you to combine data from different sources, sizes, and fidelity into a single metamodel training. You can now create more accurate RSM by integrating knowledge extracted from high-fidelity simulations with low-fidelity data which are quick to generate but may lack precision. This approach minimizes computational costs by not relying on high-fidelity simulations exclusively, yet still benefit from their precision.

Redesigned Data Manager in VOLTA
The VOLTA Data Manager comes with a more intuitive and user-friendly interface. These enhancements not only improve the overall user experience but also establish a solid foundation for a more robust architecture, guaranteeing a more efficient, faster, and scalable platform for the future.
You can now take advantage of multiple selection using keyboard shortcuts, simplifying the process of managing files. The addition of drag-and-drop functionality enables you to easily upload files and move items between folders with minimal effort. With the right-click feature, you can quickly access the item actions menu, enhancing navigation and efficiency. In addition, the newly introduced shortcuts allow you to quickly access frequently used items without having to create copies.

VOLTA Modeler: import BPMN files from third-party software
VOLTA now offers the capability to import business process model and notation (BPMN) workflows, that have been modeled using third-party software, directly into the VOLTA Modeler environment. This functionality not only enhances your efficiency by eliminating the task of manually recreate models from scratch but also streamlines your workflow, ultimately saving your valuable time.

For other new features please refer to the release notes included in the software updates.
Interested in knowing more about the new features? Contact us.