VOLTA expands its Business Process Management usability with a new Data Flow tool designed to create executable BPMN models faster. modeFRONTIER comes with improved node configuration usability.
New Data Flow tool facilitates business processes mapping
Manually creating a consistent data flow of various elements in a BPMN graphical representation is often time-consuming. With the new Data Flow tool, available in the VOLTA Modeler environment, you can easily connect all the elements of your complex process to create error-free BPMN models ready to be executed in the VOLTA Process Manager.
One-click closer to node configuration in modeFRONTIER
Running a simulation workflow often requires a series of time-consuming node configurations. You can now speed up and make more efficient the integration and process automation process by configuring all of your in-house or third-party CAD, CAE and general use software in one-click within the modeFRONTIER workflow environment.

Speed up your Design Space Exploration strategies
The VOLTA Planner Source Data Module enables you to re-use both data generated by previous design studies and datasets. And, it automatically checks session compatibility with plan configuration, the model and model dependencies. This gives you even more opportunities to utilize existing design knowledge to fine-tune your exploration or optimization strategy and obtain better designs in less time.

New format tool in modeFRONTIER
When defining the variable formats of input, output, objective, constraint and expression, you can now either choose from a list of the most common formats or simply type your custom format. This usability improvement also includes the possibility to define the format of different types of variables at project level.

Save time with the new run option in VOLTA Planner
VOLTA design optimization technology now immediately recognizes which designs are potentially unfeasible because they break constraints on inputs. This is beneficial especially in the context of complex parametric design projects. You can save a considerable amount of computation time by opting not to run unfeasible designs.

Enriched Python ecosystem in modeFRONTIER
With the new charts module available in pyCONSOLE, the environment that integrates Python and the design space, you can now plot and customize Designs, Distribution and RSM charts in the Design Space.
For all other new features please refer to the release notes included in the software updates.