With less than two months to go before the 8th edition of the ESTECO International Users' Meeting, we are proud to announce three more keynote speakers that will join us in Trieste, Italy on May 23rd-24th. Fabien Figueres from the PSA Group, Mikael Tormanen from VOLVO Cars and Bob Tickel from Cummins will showcase how big players in the automotive industry are using the latest engineering technology to stay ahead of the game.

Fabien Figueres, Data Engineer for Numerical Computation at the PSA Group, will explain how ESTECO technology - and in particular, a VOLTA-based platform - can help accelerate vehicle development during the numerical design phase. His UM18 keynote Keys for using expert algorithms within a digital culture during the development phase design will illustrate the benefits of allowing interaction between the design and the expert teams as early as possible in the vehicle design phase. At the PSA Peugeot Citroen since 2002, Figueres has been in charge of deployment, training, benchmarking of optimization tools and methodologies at the Group's Numerical Vehicle department since 2013.

Mikael Tormanen, Technical Expert MDO & P/T Attributes Balancing at VOLVO Cars, will join us at the UM18 with a keynote Effective Optimization in Early Development Phases. Tormanen will talk about taking systematic optimization to the next level by combining existing methods, including the optimization tools (modeFRONTIER), SPDM systems (VOLTA), advanced data analytics and CAE/IT best practices.

Bob Tickel, Director of Structural & Dynamic Analysis at Cummins, will address the UM18 participants with a keynote The Future of Modeling, Simulation and Optimization at Cummins. Tickel will illustrate the company's advancement from a test-centric culture to an analysis centric culture with the aid of improved modeling and simulation methods, along with their benefits - from shorter time to market and increased product quality to reduced carbon footprint.
For more information check out our Speakers page.